| agglomerative |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: agglomerative algorithm.
| bang |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: BANG.
| birch |
| BIRCH (Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies) cluster analysis algorithm.
| bsas |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: BSAS (Basic Sequential Algorithmic Scheme).
| center_initializer |
| Collection of center initializers for algorithm that uses initial centers, for example, for K-Means or X-Means.
| clarans |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: CLARANS.
| clique |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: CLIQUE.
| cure |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: CURE.
| dbscan |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: DBSCAN.
| elbow |
| Elbow method to determine the optimal number of clusters for k-means clustering.
| ema |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Gaussian Mixture Model.
| encoder |
| Module for representing clustering results.
| fcm |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: Fuzzy C-Means.
| ga |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: Genetic clustering algorithm (GA).
| generator |
| Cluster generator.
| gmeans |
| The module contains G-Means algorithm and other related services.
| hsyncnet |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: Hierarchical Sync (HSyncNet)
| kmeans |
| The module contains K-Means algorithm and other related services.
| kmedians |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: K-Medians.
| kmedoids |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: K-Medoids.
| mbsas |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: MBSAS (Modified Basic Sequential Algorithmic Scheme).
| optics |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: OPTICS (Ordering Points To Identify Clustering Structure)
| rock |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: ROCK.
| silhouette |
| Silhouette - method of interpretation and validation of consistency.
| somsc |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: SOM-SC (Self-Organized Feature Map for Simple Clustering)
| syncnet |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: Sync.
| syncsom |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: SYNC-SOM.
| ttsas |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: TTSAS (Two-Threshold Sequential Algorithmic Scheme).
| xmeans |
| Cluster analysis algorithm: X-Means.
pyclustering module for cluster analysis.
- Authors
- Andrei Novikov (pyclu.nosp@m.ster.nosp@m.ing@y.nosp@m.ande.nosp@m.x.ru)
- Date
- 2014-2020
- Copyright
- GNU Public License