Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NpyclusteringPyClustering module that consists of general modules related to clustering, graph coloring, containers, neural networks, oscillatory networks
 NclusterPyclustering module for cluster analysis
 NagglomerativeCluster analysis algorithm: agglomerative algorithm
 NbangCluster analysis algorithm: BANG
 NbirchCluster analysis algorithm: BIRCH
 NbsasCluster analysis algorithm: BSAS (Basic Sequential Algorithmic Scheme)
 Ncenter_initializerCollection of center initializers for algorithm that uses initial centers, for example, for K-Means or X-Means
 NclaransCluster analysis algorithm: CLARANS
 NcliqueCluster analysis algorithm: CLIQUE
 NcureCluster analysis algorithm: CURE
 NdbscanCluster analysis algorithm: DBSCAN
 NelbowElbow method to determine the optimal number of clusters for k-means clustering
 NemaCluster analysis algorithm: Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Gaussian Mixture Model
 NencoderModule for representing clustering results
 NfcmCluster analysis algorithm: Fuzzy C-Means
 NgaCluster analysis algorithm: Genetic clustering algorithm (GA)
 NgeneratorCluster generator
 NhsyncnetCluster analysis algorithm: Hierarchical Sync (HSyncNet)
 NkmeansCluster analysis algorithm: K-Means
 NkmediansCluster analysis algorithm: K-Medians
 NkmedoidsCluster analysis algorithm: K-Medoids
 NmbsasCluster analysis algorithm: MBSAS (Modified Basic Sequential Algorithmic Scheme)
 NopticsCluster analysis algorithm: OPTICS (Ordering Points To Identify Clustering Structure)
 NrockCluster analysis algorithm: ROCK
 NsilhouetteSilhouette - method of interpretation and validation of consistency
 NsomscCluster analysis algorithm: SOM-SC (Self-Organized Feature Map for Simple Clustering)
 NsyncnetCluster analysis algorithm: Sync
 NsyncsomCluster analysis algorithm: SYNC-SOM
 NttsasCluster analysis algorithm: TTSAS (Two-Threshold Sequential Algorithmic Scheme)
 NxmeansCluster analysis algorithm: X-Means
 NcontainerPyclustering module of data structures (containers)
 NcftreeData Structure: CF-Tree
 NkdtreeData Structure: KD-Tree
 NgcolorPyclustering module for graph coloring algorithms
 NdsaturGraph coloring algorithm: DSATUR
 NhysteresisGraph coloring algorithm: Algorithm based on Hysteresis Oscillatory Network
 NsyncGraph coloring algorithm based on Sync Oscillatory Network
 NnnetNeural and oscillatory network module
 NcnnChaotic Neural Network
 Ndynamic_visualizerOutput dynamic visualizer
 NfsyncOscillatory Neural Network based on Kuramoto model in frequency domain
 NhhnOscillatory Neural Network based on Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron Model
 NhysteresisNeural Network: Hysteresis Oscillatory Network
 NlegionNeural Network: Local Excitatory Global Inhibitory Oscillatory Network (LEGION)
 NpcnnNeural Network: Pulse Coupled Neural Network
 NsomNeural Network: Self-Organized Feature Map
 NsyncNeural Network: Oscillatory Neural Network based on Kuramoto model
 NsyncprPhase oscillatory network for patten recognition based on modified Kuramoto model
 NsyncsegmDouble-layer oscillatory network with phase oscillator for image segmentation
 NsamplesPyclustering module for samples
 NutilsUtils that are used by modules of pyclustering
 NcolorColors used by pyclustering library for visualization
 NgraphGraph representation (uses format GRPR)
 NmetricModule provides various distance metrics - abstraction of the notion of distance in a metric space