▼Npyclustering | PyClustering module that consists of general modules related to clustering, graph coloring, containers, neural networks, oscillatory networks |
▼Ncluster | Pyclustering module for cluster analysis |
Nagglomerative | Cluster analysis algorithm: agglomerative algorithm |
Nbang | Cluster analysis algorithm: BANG |
Nbirch | Cluster analysis algorithm: BIRCH |
Nbsas | Cluster analysis algorithm: BSAS (Basic Sequential Algorithmic Scheme) |
Ncenter_initializer | Collection of center initializers for algorithm that uses initial centers, for example, for K-Means or X-Means |
Nclarans | Cluster analysis algorithm: CLARANS |
Nclique | Cluster analysis algorithm: CLIQUE |
Ncure | Cluster analysis algorithm: CURE |
Ndbscan | Cluster analysis algorithm: DBSCAN |
Nelbow | Elbow method to determine the optimal number of clusters for k-means clustering |
Nema | Cluster analysis algorithm: Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Gaussian Mixture Model |
Nencoder | Module for representing clustering results |
Nfcm | Cluster analysis algorithm: Fuzzy C-Means |
Nga | Cluster analysis algorithm: Genetic clustering algorithm (GA) |
Ngenerator | Cluster generator |
Nhsyncnet | Cluster analysis algorithm: Hierarchical Sync (HSyncNet) |
Nkmeans | Cluster analysis algorithm: K-Means |
Nkmedians | Cluster analysis algorithm: K-Medians |
Nkmedoids | Cluster analysis algorithm: K-Medoids |
Nmbsas | Cluster analysis algorithm: MBSAS (Modified Basic Sequential Algorithmic Scheme) |
Noptics | Cluster analysis algorithm: OPTICS (Ordering Points To Identify Clustering Structure) |
Nrock | Cluster analysis algorithm: ROCK |
Nsilhouette | Silhouette - method of interpretation and validation of consistency |
Nsomsc | Cluster analysis algorithm: SOM-SC (Self-Organized Feature Map for Simple Clustering) |
Nsyncnet | Cluster analysis algorithm: Sync |
Nsyncsom | Cluster analysis algorithm: SYNC-SOM |
Nttsas | Cluster analysis algorithm: TTSAS (Two-Threshold Sequential Algorithmic Scheme) |
Nxmeans | Cluster analysis algorithm: X-Means |
▼Ncontainer | Pyclustering module of data structures (containers) |
Ncftree | Data Structure: CF-Tree |
Nkdtree | Data Structure: KD-Tree |
▼Ngcolor | Pyclustering module for graph coloring algorithms |
Ndsatur | Graph coloring algorithm: DSATUR |
Nhysteresis | Graph coloring algorithm: Algorithm based on Hysteresis Oscillatory Network |
Nsync | Graph coloring algorithm based on Sync Oscillatory Network |
▼Nnnet | Neural and oscillatory network module |
Ncnn | Chaotic Neural Network |
Ndynamic_visualizer | Output dynamic visualizer |
Nfsync | Oscillatory Neural Network based on Kuramoto model in frequency domain |
Nhhn | Oscillatory Neural Network based on Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron Model |
Nhysteresis | Neural Network: Hysteresis Oscillatory Network |
Nlegion | Neural Network: Local Excitatory Global Inhibitory Oscillatory Network (LEGION) |
Npcnn | Neural Network: Pulse Coupled Neural Network |
Nsom | Neural Network: Self-Organized Feature Map |
Nsync | Neural Network: Oscillatory Neural Network based on Kuramoto model |
Nsyncpr | Phase oscillatory network for patten recognition based on modified Kuramoto model |
Nsyncsegm | Double-layer oscillatory network with phase oscillator for image segmentation |
Nsamples | Pyclustering module for samples |
▼Nutils | Utils that are used by modules of pyclustering |
Ncolor | Colors used by pyclustering library for visualization |
Ngraph | Graph representation (uses format GRPR) |
Nmetric | Module provides various distance metrics - abstraction of the notion of distance in a metric space |