▼Npyclustering | PyClustering module that consists of general modules related to clustering, graph coloring, containers, oscillatory networks |
▼Ncluster | Pyclustering module for cluster analysis |
►Nagglomerative | Cluster analysis algorithm: agglomerative algorithm |
Cagglomerative | Class represents agglomerative algorithm for cluster analysis |
Ctype_link | Enumerator of types of link between clusters |
►Nbang | Cluster analysis algorithm: BANG |
Cbang | Class implements BANG grid based clustering algorithm |
Cbang_animator | Provides service for creating 2-D animation using BANG clustering results |
Cbang_block | BANG-block that represent spatial region in data space |
Cbang_directory | BANG directory stores BANG-blocks that represents grid in data space |
Cbang_visualizer | Visualizer of BANG algorithm's results |
Cspatial_block | Geometrical description of BANG block in data space |
►Nbirch | BIRCH (Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies) cluster analysis algorithm |
Cbirch | Class represents the clustering algorithm BIRCH (Balanced Iterative Reducing and Clustering using Hierarchies) |
►Nbsas | Cluster analysis algorithm: BSAS (Basic Sequential Algorithmic Scheme) |
Cbsas | Class represents BSAS clustering algorithm - basic sequential algorithmic scheme |
Cbsas_visualizer | Visualizer of BSAS algorithm's results |
►Ncenter_initializer | Collection of center initializers for algorithm that uses initial centers, for example, for K-Means or X-Means |
Ckmeans_plusplus_initializer | K-Means++ is an algorithm for choosing the initial centers for algorithms like K-Means or X-Means |
Crandom_center_initializer | Random center initializer is for generation specified amount of random of centers for specified data |
►Nclarans | Cluster analysis algorithm: CLARANS |
Cclarans | Class represents clustering algorithm CLARANS (a method for clustering objects for spatial data mining) |
►Nclique | Cluster analysis algorithm: CLIQUE |
Cclique | Class implements CLIQUE grid based clustering algorithm |
Cclique_block | CLIQUE block contains information about its logical location in grid, spatial location in data space and points that are covered by the block |
Cclique_visualizer | Visualizer of CLIQUE algorithm's results |
Ccoordinate_iterator | Coordinate iterator is used to generate logical location description for each CLIQUE block |
Cspatial_block | Geometrical description of CLIQUE block in data space |
►Ncure | Cluster analysis algorithm: CURE |
Ccure | Class represents clustering algorithm CURE with KD-tree optimization |
Ccure_cluster | Represents data cluster in CURE term |
►Ndbscan | Cluster analysis algorithm: DBSCAN |
Cdbscan | Class represents clustering algorithm DBSCAN |
►Nelbow | Elbow method to determine the optimal number of clusters for k-means clustering |
Celbow | Class represents Elbow method that is used to find out appropriate amount of clusters in a dataset |
►Nema | Cluster analysis algorithm: Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Gaussian Mixture Model |
Cema | Expectation-Maximization clustering algorithm for Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) |
Cema_init_type | Enumeration of initialization types for Expectation-Maximization algorithm |
Cema_initializer | Provides services for preparing initial means and covariances for Expectation-Maximization algorithm |
Cema_observer | Observer of EM algorithm for collecting algorithm state on each step |
Cema_visualizer | Visualizer of EM algorithm's results |
►Nencoder | Module for representing clustering results |
Ccluster_encoder | Provides service to change clustering result representation |
Ctype_encoding | Enumeration of encoding types (index labeling, index list separation, object list separation) |
►Nfcm | Cluster analysis algorithm: Fuzzy C-Means |
Cfcm | Class represents Fuzzy C-means (FCM) clustering algorithm |
►Nga | Cluster analysis algorithm: Genetic clustering algorithm (GA) |
Cga_observer | Genetic algorithm observer that is used to collect information about clustering process on each iteration |
Cga_visualizer | Genetic algorithm visualizer is used to show clustering results that are specific for this particular algorithm: clusters, evolution of global and local optimum |
Cgenetic_algorithm | Class represents Genetic clustering algorithm |
►Ngenerator | Cluster generator |
Cdata_generator | Data generator provides services to generate data with clusters with normal distribution |
►Ngmeans | The module contains G-Means algorithm and other related services |
Cgmeans | Class implements G-Means clustering algorithm |
►Nhsyncnet | Cluster analysis algorithm: Hierarchical Sync (HSyncNet) |
Chsyncnet | Class represents clustering algorithm HSyncNet |
►Nkmeans | The module contains K-Means algorithm and other related services |
Ckmeans | Class implements K-Means clustering algorithm |
Ckmeans_observer | Observer of K-Means algorithm that is used to collect information about clustering process on each iteration of the algorithm |
Ckmeans_visualizer | Visualizer of K-Means algorithm's results |
►Nkmedians | Cluster analysis algorithm: K-Medians |
Ckmedians | Class represents clustering algorithm K-Medians |
►Nkmedoids | Cluster analysis algorithm: K-Medoids |
Ckmedoids | Class represents clustering algorithm K-Medoids |
►Nmbsas | Cluster analysis algorithm: MBSAS (Modified Basic Sequential Algorithmic Scheme) |
Cmbsas | Class represents MBSAS (Modified Basic Sequential Algorithmic Scheme) |
►Noptics | Cluster analysis algorithm: OPTICS (Ordering Points To Identify Clustering Structure) |
Coptics | Class represents clustering algorithm OPTICS (Ordering Points To Identify Clustering Structure) with KD-tree optimization (ccore options is supported) |
Coptics_descriptor | Object description that used by OPTICS algorithm for cluster analysis |
Cordering_analyser | Analyser of cluster ordering diagram |
Cordering_visualizer | Cluster ordering diagram visualizer that represents dataset graphically as density-based clustering structure |
►Nrock | Cluster analysis algorithm: ROCK |
Crock | The class represents clustering algorithm ROCK |
►Nsilhouette | Silhouette - method of interpretation and validation of consistency |
Csilhouette | Represents Silhouette method that is used interpretation and validation of consistency |
Csilhouette_ksearch | Represent algorithm for searching optimal number of clusters using specified K-algorithm (K-Means, K-Medians, K-Medoids) that is based on Silhouette method |
Csilhouette_ksearch_type | Defines algorithms that can be used to find optimal number of cluster using Silhouette method |
►Nsomsc | Cluster analysis algorithm: SOM-SC (Self-Organized Feature Map for Simple Clustering) |
Csomsc | Class represents a simple clustering algorithm based on the self-organized feature map |
►Nsyncnet | Cluster analysis algorithm: Sync |
Csyncnet | Class represents clustering algorithm SyncNet |
Csyncnet_analyser | Performs analysis of output dynamic of the oscillatory network syncnet to extract information about cluster allocation |
Csyncnet_visualizer | Visualizer of output dynamic of oscillatory network 'syncnet' for cluster analysis |
►Nsyncsom | Cluster analysis algorithm: SYNC-SOM |
Csyncsom | Class represents clustering algorithm SYNC-SOM |
►Nttsas | Cluster analysis algorithm: TTSAS (Two-Threshold Sequential Algorithmic Scheme) |
Cttsas | Class represents TTSAS (Two-Threshold Sequential Algorithmic Scheme) |
►Nxmeans | Cluster analysis algorithm: X-Means |
Csplitting_type | Enumeration of splitting types that can be used as splitting creation of cluster in X-Means algorithm |
Cxmeans | Class represents clustering algorithm X-Means |
Ccanvas_cluster_descr | Description of cluster for representation on canvas |
Ccluster_visualizer | Common visualizer of clusters on 1D, 2D or 3D surface |
Ccluster_visualizer_multidim | Visualizer for cluster in multi-dimensional data |
▼Ncontainer | Pyclustering module of data structures (containers) |
►Ncftree | Data Structure: CF-Tree |
Ccfentry | Clustering feature representation |
Ccfnode | Representation of node of CF-Tree |
Ccfnode_type | Enumeration of CF-Node types that are used by CF-Tree |
Ccftree | CF-Tree representation |
Cleaf_node | Represents clustering feature leaf node |
Cmeasurement_type | Enumeration of measurement types for CF-Tree |
Cnon_leaf_node | Representation of clustering feature non-leaf node |
►Nkdtree | Data Structure: KD-Tree |
Ckdtree | Represents KD Tree that is a space-partitioning data structure for organizing points in a k-dimensional space |
Ckdtree_balanced | Represents balanced static KD-tree that does not provide services to add and remove nodes after initialization |
Ckdtree_visualizer | KD-tree visualizer that provides service to display graphical representation of the tree using matplotlib library |
Cnode | Represents a node in a KD-Tree |
▼Ngcolor | Pyclustering module for graph coloring algorithms |
►Ndsatur | Graph coloring algorithm: DSATUR |
Cdsatur | Represents DSATUR algorithm for graph coloring problem that uses greedy strategy |
►Nhysteresis | Graph coloring algorithm: Algorithm based on Hysteresis Oscillatory Network |
Chysteresis_analyser | Performs analysis of output dynamic of the hysteresis oscillatory network to extract information about clusters or color allocation |
Chysteresisgcolor | Class represents graph coloring algorithm based on hysteresis oscillatory network |
►Nsync | Graph coloring algorithm based on Sync Oscillatory Network |
Csyncgcolor | Oscillatory network based on Kuramoto model with negative and positive connections for graph coloring problem |
Csyncgcolor_analyser | Analyser of output dynamic of the oscillatory network syncgcolor |
▼Nnnet | Neural and oscillatory network module |
►Ncnn | Chaotic Neural Network |
Ccnn_dynamic | Container of output dynamic of the chaotic neural network where states of each neuron during simulation are stored |
Ccnn_network | Chaotic neural network based on system of logistic map where clustering phenomenon can be observed |
Ccnn_visualizer | Visualizer of output dynamic of chaotic neural network (CNN) |
Ctype_conn | Enumeration of connection types for Chaotic Neural Network |
►Ndynamic_visualizer | Output dynamic visualizer |
Ccanvas_descr | Describes plot where dynamic is displayed |
Cdynamic_descr | Output dynamic description that used to display |
Cdynamic_visualizer | Basic output dynamic visualizer |
►Nfsync | Oscillatory Neural Network based on Kuramoto model in frequency domain |
Cfsync_dynamic | Represents output dynamic of Sync in frequency domain |
Cfsync_network | Model of oscillatory network that uses Landau-Stuart oscillator and Kuramoto model as a synchronization mechanism |
Cfsync_visualizer | Visualizer of output dynamic of sync network in frequency domain |
►Nhhn | Oscillatory Neural Network based on Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron Model |
Ccentral_element | Central element consist of two central neurons that are described by a little bit different dynamic than peripheral |
Chhn_network | Oscillatory Neural Network with central element based on Hodgkin-Huxley neuron model |
Chhn_parameters | Describes parameters of Hodgkin-Huxley Oscillatory Network |
►Nhysteresis | Neural Network: Hysteresis Oscillatory Network |
Chysteresis_dynamic | Represents output dynamic of hysteresis oscillatory network |
Chysteresis_network | Hysteresis oscillatory network that uses relaxation oscillators that are represented by objective hysteresis neurons whose output in range [-1, +1] |
Chysteresis_visualizer | Visualizer of output dynamic of hysteresis oscillatory network |
►Nlegion | Neural Network: Local Excitatory Global Inhibitory Oscillatory Network (LEGION) |
Clegion_dynamic | Represents output dynamic of LEGION |
Clegion_network | Local excitatory global inhibitory oscillatory network (LEGION) that uses relaxation oscillator based on Van der Pol model |
Clegion_parameters | Describes parameters of LEGION |
►Npcnn | Neural Network: Pulse Coupled Neural Network |
Cpcnn_dynamic | Represents output dynamic of PCNN (pulse-coupled neural network) |
Cpcnn_network | Model of oscillatory network that is based on the Eckhorn model |
Cpcnn_parameters | Parameters for pulse coupled neural network |
Cpcnn_visualizer | Visualizer of output dynamic of pulse-coupled neural network (PCNN) |
►Nsom | Neural Network: Self-Organized Feature Map |
Csom | Represents self-organized feature map (SOM) |
Csom_parameters | Represents SOM parameters |
Ctype_conn | Enumeration of connection types for SOM |
Ctype_init | Enumeration of initialization types for SOM |
►Nsync | Neural Network: Oscillatory Neural Network based on Kuramoto model |
Corder_estimator | Provides services to calculate order parameter and local order parameter that are used for synchronization level estimation |
Csync_dynamic | Represents output dynamic of Sync |
Csync_network | Model of oscillatory network that is based on the Kuramoto model of synchronization |
Csync_visualizer | Visualizer of output dynamic of sync network (Sync) |
►Nsyncpr | Phase oscillatory network for patten recognition based on modified Kuramoto model |
Csyncpr | Model of phase oscillatory network for pattern recognition that is based on the Kuramoto model |
Csyncpr_dynamic | Represents output dynamic of syncpr (Sync for Pattern Recognition) |
Csyncpr_visualizer | Visualizer of output dynamic of syncpr network (Sync for Pattern Recognition) |
►Nsyncsegm | Double-layer oscillatory network with phase oscillator for image segmentation |
Csyncsegm | Class represents segmentation algorithm syncsegm |
Csyncsegm_analyser | Performs analysis of output dynamic of the double-layer oscillatory network 'syncsegm' to extract information about segmentation results |
Csyncsegm_visualizer | Result visualizer of double-layer oscillatory network 'syncsegm' |
Cconn_represent | Enumerator of internal network connection representation between oscillators |
Cconn_type | Enumerator of connection types between oscillators |
Cinitial_type | Enumerator of types of oscillator output initialization |
Cnetwork | Common network description that consists of information about oscillators and connection between them |
Csolve_type | Enumerator of solver types that are used for network simulation |
▼Nsamples | Pyclustering module for samples |
Canswer_reader | Answer reader for samples that are used by pyclustering library |
▼Nutils | Utils that are used by modules of pyclustering |
►Ncolor | Colors used by pyclustering library for visualization |
Ccolor | Consists titles of colors that are used by pyclustering for visualization |
►Ngraph | Graph representation (uses format GRPR) |
Cgraph | Graph representation |
Ctype_graph_descr | Enumeration of graph description |
►Nmetric | Module provides various distance metrics - abstraction of the notion of distance in a metric space |
Cdistance_metric | Distance metric performs distance calculation between two points in line with encapsulated function, for example, euclidean distance or chebyshev distance, or even user-defined |
Ctype_metric | Enumeration of supported metrics in the module for distance calculation between two points |